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Nom de la frise : Civic Rights in USA
Début : 1760
Fin : 2020
Description : Description de ma frise

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Evènements de la frise

1776 : Declaration of Independance
1865 : Creation of the Ku Klux Klan
1896 : Plessy v. Ferguson legitimate the racist legislation by the separate but equal doctine
1909 : Creation of the NAACP
1914 : Marcus Gravey starts his Black nationalist movment
1930 : Creation of the NOI
1947 : Jackie Robinson is the first Black playing in Baseball Major League
1954 : The judgment of the Supreme Court Brown v. Board of Education declares unconstitutional racial segregation in public schools
1955 : Rosa Park is arrested
1957 : Creation of the SCLS
1960 : First sit-in in Greensboro
1961 : Decree of JFK to fight against racial discriminations at hiring
1963 : Washington Walk
1964 : Malcom X create Black nationalist movment
1965 : Murder of Malcom X
1967 : The judgment of the Supreme Court Loving v. Virginia, declares unconstitutional the prohibition of mixed marriages
1968 : Murder of Martin Luther King
1968 : Olympic Games. Tommie Smith and John Carlos - black American athletes - raise their fist, covered with a black glove and black socks. "Black power."
1992 : Carol Moseley Braun, the first African American elected senator from Illinois.
2008 : Barack Obama is the first Black president in USA

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Périodes de la frise

De 1861 à 1865 : Secession War who marks the end of slavery
De 1957 à 1959 : In Little Rock (Arkansas), violent crisis leading to the abolition of segregation in schools
De 1987 à 1989 : Colin Powell, the first African American to become national security adviser.

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Civic Rights in USAFrise chronologique - Description de ma frise 1760 1860 1960 Plessy v. Ferguson legitimate the racist legislation by the separate but equal doctine Creation of the Ku Klux Klan Rosa Park is arrested Creation of the NAACP Declaration of Independance Washington Walk Marcus Gravey starts his Black nationalist movment Creation of the NOI Barack Obama is the first Black president in USA Jackie Robinson is the first Black playing in Baseball Major League The judgment of the Supreme Court Brown v. Board of Education declares unconstitutional racial segregation in public schools Malcom X create Black nationalist movment Decree of JFK to fight against racial discriminations at hiring Creation of the SCLS Murder of Malcom X First sit-in in Greensboro Olympic Games. Tommie Smith and John Carlos - black American athletes - raise their fist, covered with a black glove and black socks. "Black power." Murder of Martin Luther King The judgment of the Supreme Court Loving v. Virginia, declares unconstitutional the prohibition of mixed marriages Carol Moseley Braun, the first African American elected senator from Illinois. Secession War who marks the end of slavery In Little Rock (Arkansas), violent crisis leading to the abolition of segregation in schools Colin Powell, the first African American to become national security adviser.

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