Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : Rosie the Riveter
Début : 1910
Fin : 1980
Description : Description de ma frise

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Evènements de la frise

1939 : Beginning of World War Two
1940 : 27 percent of US workforce are women
1945 : 37 percent of the US workforce are women
1943-05-29 : The Saturday Evening Post published the mort known Rosie mode by Norman Rockwell
1942 : First prototype of Rosie the Riveter
1942 : Institution of the Women Auxiliary Army Corps by the Congress
1977 : Women Airforce Service Pilots received a full military status

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Périodes de la frise

De 1939 à 1945 : World War Two

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Rosie the RiveterFrise chronologique - Description de ma frise 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Beginning of World War Two (1939) Women Airforce Service Pilots received a full military status (1977) 27 percent of US workforce are women (1940) First prototype of Rosie the Riveter (1942) Institution of the Women Auxiliary Army Corps by the Congress (1942) The Saturday Evening Post published the mort known Rosie mode by Norman Rockwell (1943-05-29) 37 percent of the US workforce are women (1945) World War Two

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