Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : The Dominions ; Canada, Australia and New Zealand before 1914
Début : 1755
Fin : 1914
Description : Evolution to the status of Dominion : steps and events

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Evènements de la frise

1763 : Treaty of Paris
1774 : Quebec Act
1791 : Canada Act
1833 : British American Land Company __ in Lower Canada
1837 : Louis Papineau __ rebellion
1837 : William Lyon Mackenzie __ rebellion
1839 : Lord Durham's Report
1840 : Canada Act
1825 : Erie Canal affair
1842 : Ashburton Treaty
1846 : Oregon Treaty
1864 : Quebec Conference
1866 : Fenians attack
1867 : British North America Act of 1867
1876 : Intercolonial Railway
1885 : Canadian Pacific Railway
1885 : Louis Riel's rebellion
1788 : First European settlers __ 750 convicts __ Botany Bay
1793 : First free settlers __ in Port Jackson
1866 : closure of the penal settlements
1840 : end of convicts' transportation __ to New South Wales
1868 : end of convicts transportation __ to West Australia
1796 : introduction of __ the Spanish merino Sheep __ by Macarthur
1813 : expedition of the Bathurst plains
1851 : Gold is decovered in Bathurst
1803 : foundation of Tasmania
1835 : foundation of __ Victoria __ around Melbourne
1788 : foundation of New South Wales
1854 : Insurrection at the Eureka mine
1829 : Edward Gibbon Wakefield's __ Letter from Sydney
1830 : Colonial Society __ of Weakefield
1834 : South Australia Association
1826 : New South Wales __ becomes Crown Colony
1855 : responsible elected assemblies in __ New South Wales, __ Victoria, __ Tasmania, __ South Australia
1900 : The Commonwealth __ of Australia Act
1901 : Immigration restrictions Act
1904 : Arbitration Court
1908 : Old age pensions
1911 : Invalid pensions
1769 : James Cook maps New Zealand
1867 : Wakefield's New Zealand Association
1840 : Treaty of Waitangi
1852 : fundation of the __ New Zealand Federation
1856 : full responsible government
1867 : Maoris representative in the federal assembly
1876 : Union of New Zealand
1893 : votes for women

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Périodes de la frise

De 1756 à 1763 : Seven Years' War
De 1775 à 1783 : American War __ of Independance
De 1814 à 1816 : Napoleonic __ Wars
De 1842 à 1846 : First Maori War
De 1893 à 1906 : Liberal government __ social reforms, pensions
De 1860 à 1871 : Second Maori War

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The Dominions ; Canada, Australia and New Zealand before 1914Frise chronologique - Evolution to the status of Dominion : steps and events 1755 1765 1775 1785 1795 1805 1815 1825 1835 1845 1855 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 responsible elected assemblies in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia First European settlers 750 convicts Botany Bay foundation of Victoria around Melbourne First free settlers in Port Jackson Edward Gibbon Wakefield's Letter from Sydney end of convicts' transportation to New South Wales end of convicts transportation to West Australia The Commonwealth of Australia Act foundation of Tasmania expedition of the Bathurst plains Gold is decovered in Bathurst Arbitration Court Invalid pensions introduction of the Spanish merino Sheep by Macarthur New South Wales becomes Crown Colony Old age pensions Colonial Society of Weakefield South Australia Association Insurrection at the Eureka mine closure of the penal settlements Immigration restrictions Act foundation of New South Wales James Cook maps New Zealand Maoris representative in the federal assembly Union of New Zealand fundation of the New Zealand Federation full responsible government Treaty of Waitangi Wakefield's New Zealand Association William Lyon Mackenzie rebellion (1837) Canadian Pacific Railway Fenians attack Ashburton Treaty Lord Durham's Report Treaty of Paris (1763) Quebec Act (1774) Canada Act (1791) Erie Canal affair Canada Act Oregon Treaty Quebec Conference votes for women British American Land Company in Lower Canada (1833) Louis Papineau rebellion (1837) Intercolonial Railway Louis Riel's rebellion British North America Act of 1867 Seven Years' War First Maori War Second Maori War American War of Independance Napoleonic Wars Liberal government social reforms, pensions

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