Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : India history
Début : -1500
Fin : 1950
Description : Description de ma frise

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Evènements de la frise

-1500 : {caste system}
-200 : {Buddhism is a state religion}
1400 : {contact with European culture (Visco De Gama)}
1700 : {war between France and England won by the British}
1800 : {Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India}
1900 : {Gandhi starts his peaceful resistance against the British}
1947 : {India becomes independant, then division between India and Pakistan and Bangladesh}
1948 : {Gandhi is assassinated}

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Périodes de la frise

De 700 à 1100 : {introduction of Islam by Arab invaders}

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India historyFrise chronologique - Description de ma frise -1500 -1300 -1100 -900 -700 -500 -300 -100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 caste system Buddhism is a state religion contact with European culture (Visco De Gama) war between France and England won by the British Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India Gandhi starts his peaceful resistance against the British India becomes independant, then division between India and Pakistan and Bangladesh Gandhi is assassinated {introduction of Islam by Arab invaders}

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