Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : history of the United States
Début : 1400
Fin : 2016
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Evènements de la frise

1492 : {discovery of America by Christopher Columbus} 1492
1607 : First colony in America
1620 : The pilgrim fathers arrive in America (1620)
1776-07-04 : The Declaration of Independance
1781 : Battle between_ the British Army and the American Army
1781 : Victory of the Americans (1781)
1783 : The Treaty of Paris is signed (1783)

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Périodes de la frise

De 1400 à 1500 : 15th century
De 1500 à 1600 : 16th century
De 1600 à 1700 : 17th century
De 1700 à 1800 : 17th century
De 1800 à 2016 : present times

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history of the United StatesFrise chronologique - The Treaty of Paris is signed (1783) First colony in America (1607) Battle between_ the British Army and the American Army (1781) discovery of America by Christopher Columbus 1492 Victory of the Americans (1781) The pilgrim fathers arrive in America (1620) The Declaration of Independance (1776-07-04) 15th century 16th century 17th century 17th century present times

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