Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : Australia
Début : -50000
Fin : 2016
Description : Timeline of important dates in the history of Australia.

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Evènements de la frise

-50000 : Mungo man and Mungo Lady
1770 : James Cook maps NSW coast and claims for England
1788 : First bridge of logs built by Europeans over Tank Stream, Sydney, NSW
1829 : Preserved heads of Aborigines are a not uncommon item of trade in Sydney markets, NSW
1836 : First railwayin Australia is built
1901 : Edmund Barton first Prime Minister of Australia
1911 : All states have Protection Acts permitting the removal of Aboriginal children
1914 : Australian Red Cross is established.
1927 : Federal Parliament meets in Canberra for first time
1962 : Australian involvement in Vietnam War begins
1976 : Pat O’Shane becomes first Aboriginal barrister
2000 : Sydney Olympics & Paralympics
2008 : Rudd government apologises to the Stolen Generations

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Périodes de la frise

De 1600 à 1700 : Period
De 1850 à 1900 : Period

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AustraliaFrise chronologique - Timeline of important dates in the history of Australia. -50000 -48000 -46000 -44000 -42000 -40000 -38000 -36000 -34000 -32000 -30000 -28000 -26000 -24000 -22000 -20000 -18000 -16000 -14000 -12000 -10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 -0 2000 Mungo man and Mungo Lady (-500) James Cook maps NSW coast and claims for England (1770) First bridge of logs built by Europeans over Tank Stream, Sydney, NSW (1788) Preserved heads of Aborigines are a not uncommon item of trade in Sydney markets, NSW (1829) First railwayin Australia is built (1836) Edmund Barton first Prime Minister of Australia (1901) All states have Protection Acts permitting the removal of Aboriginal children (1911) Australian Red Cross is established. (1914) Federal Parliament meets in Canberra for first time (1927) Australian involvement in Vietnam War begins (1962) Pat O’Shane becomes first Aboriginal barrister (1976) Sydney Olympics & Paralympics (2000) Rudd government apologises to the Stolen Generations (2008) Period (1600 - 1700) Period

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