Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : pathway to power usa
Début : 1910
Fin : 1996
Description : Description de ma frise

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Evènements de la frise

1917 : US declare war to Germany
1928 : Kellogg-Briand Pact
1919 : Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles
1920 : American Senate refuse to sign the League of Nations
1917 : Bolshevik revolution
1920 : "Back to Normalcy"
1929 : Young Plan
1929 : Crash
1930 : Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
1933 : recognition of the Soviet Union
1933 : Good Neighbor policy
1939 : "cash-and-carry"
1939 : invasion of Poland
1940 : defeat of France US helped GB militarily
1941 : 4 freedoms
1941 : end of "cash-and-carry" + Lend-Lease Act
1941 : Barbarossa Plan
1941 : Atlantic Charter
1941 : US put an embargo on Japan
1941 : Pearl Harbor (7th December)
1944 : end of Depression
1944 : creation of the World Bank
1944 : Bretton Woods conference
1945 : Yalta conference __ Potsdam conference (4D)
1945 : San Francisco Conference
1945 : IMF UN
1946 : Iron Curtain Speech of Churchill
1947 : Truman Doctrine
1947 : Marshall Plan
1947 : National Security Act
1948 : OEEC GATT
1949 : NATO
1951 : ANZUS
1954 : SEATO
1955 : Baghdad Pact
1953 : Ajax operation (CIA's action)
1953 : Stalin's death
1954 : CIA's opération in Guatemala __ to overthrow Guzman
1955 : Warsaw Pact
1957 : Sputnik
1958 : creation of NASA
1957 : Eisenhower Doctrine
1959 : Khrushchev visited America (Sino-Soviet split)
1959 : Castro too power in Cuba
1960 : France's militarily independence __ with Atomic bomb
1962 : Cuban crisis (establishment of red phone)
1963 : Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
1964 : De Gaulle recognized China
1966 : De Gaulle withdrew France from NATO
1968 : Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
1973 : Nixon recognize PRC
1973 : end of Bretton Woods system
1973 : peace treaty between USA and Vietnam
1975 : fall of Saigon Cambodia and Laos become communist countries
1979 : Soviet invasion of Afghanistan __ Iran revolution
1980 : Boycott of Olympics in Moscow
1983 : Reagan said USSR is an "evil empire"
1983 : SDI > "Star Wars"
1982 : START
1985 : Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in USSR
1986 : anti-corruption campain in USSR __ Gorbachev removes Soviet troop from Afghanistan
1990 : reunion of East and West Germany
1991 : collapse of the USSR
1995 : WTO

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Périodes de la frise

De 1913 à 1920 : Woodrow Wilson
De 1935 à 1939 : Neutrality Acts
De 1921 à 1923 : Warren Harding
De 1923 à 1928 : Calvin Coolidge
De 1929 à 1932 : Hoover
De 1933 à 1945 : Franklin D. Roosevelt
De 1945 à 1952 : Truman
De 1953 à 1960 : Eisenhower
De 1961 à 1963 : Kennedy
De 1963 à 1968 : Johnson
De 1969 à 1974 : Nixon
De 1974 à 1976 : Ford
De 1977 à 1980 : Carter
De 1981 à 1988 : Reagan
De 1945 à 1946 : Nuremberg Trials
De 1948 à 1949 : Berlin Blockade
De 1950 à 1953 : Korea War
De 1961 à 1989 : Berlin Wall
De 1964 à 1975 : Vietnam War

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pathway to power usaFrise chronologique - Description de ma frise 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 US declare war to Germany Young Plan "cash-and-carry" San Francisco Conference ANZUS SEATO Sputnik Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Nixon recognize PRC Boycott of Olympics in Moscow reunion of East and West Germany invasion of Poland OEEC GATT France's militarily independence with Atomic bomb Bolshevik revolution Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act end of Depression Ajax operation (CIA's action) end of Bretton Woods system START collapse of the USSR defeat of France US helped GB militarily NATO De Gaulle recognized China Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Iran revolution Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles recognition of the Soviet Union Bretton Woods conference Stalin's death creation of NASA De Gaulle withdrew France from NATO WTO Good Neighbor policy 4 freedoms IMF UN Reagan said USSR is an "evil empire" American Senate refuse to sign the League of Nations end of "cash-and-carry" + Lend-Lease Act Baghdad Pact Cuban crisis (establishment of red phone) SDI > "Star Wars" Kellogg-Briand Pact National Security Act Warsaw Pact "Back to Normalcy" Barbarossa Plan Truman Doctrine Eisenhower Doctrine Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in USSR Crash Atlantic Charter CIA's opération in Guatemala to overthrow Guzman anti-corruption campain in USSR Gorbachev removes Soviet troop from Afghanistan creation of the World Bank peace treaty between USA and Vietnam US put an embargo on Japan Khrushchev visited America (Sino-Soviet split) Pearl Harbor (7th December) Marshall Plan fall of Saigon Cambodia and Laos become communist countries Yalta conference Potsdam conference (4D) Castro too power in Cuba Iron Curtain Speech of Churchill Woodrow Wilson Warren Harding Calvin Coolidge Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan Nuremberg Trials Neutrality Acts Berlin Blockade Korea War Berlin Wall Vietnam War

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