Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : Histoire Economique UK
Début : 1400
Fin : 2000
Description : Description de ma frise

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Evènements de la frise

1588 : Armada
1568 : Hawkins & Drake
1570 : Drake -> ships and naval victory
1485 : Henry Tudor crowned
1400 : pop -> 2.5 million
1521 : "Defender of the Faith"
1533 : Excommunicated
1529 : Pope refused divorce from __ Catherine de Aragon
1533 : Anne Boleyn queen
1534 : Act of Supremacy
1581 : Levant Company founded
1581 : Levant Company founded
1600 : East India Company
1601 : 1st voyage __ (James Lancaster)
1600 : England & Wales 4m pop __ Agriculture under pressure __ Trading economy diversity
1651 : Navigation Act
1666 : Fire of London
1688 : Louis XIV new enemy
1694 : Bank of England __ + __ Creation of the National Debt
1690 : Royal Navy defeated at Beachy Head
1693 : Loss of Turkey Fleet
1690 : Factories across India
1607 : London Company (Virginia Colony)
1698 : Jonathan's coffee house __ (1st Stock Exchange)
1699 : Trading post at Canton (China)
1765 : Company took control __ of Bengal
1757 : Battle of Plassy
1840 : Opium War
1813 : Lost monopoly of __ trade with India
1857 : mutiny of Indian troops __ -> __ abolished
1690 : 15 'factories' along __ Indian coast
1750 : North American __ territorial claims circa
1765 : Stamp Act
1773 : Boston Tea Party
1783 : Loss of colonies
1793 : cotton gin __ + __ growth of cotton trade
1830 : railway Liverpool -> Manchester
1850 : network of 10,000km __ + __ 50% of world iron prod
1851 : 54% of pop is urban
1853 : Plan to build Indian __ railway network
1851 : The Great Exhibition
1914 : British Empire -> 20% __ of world's land mass
1906 : Liberal Party wins
1907 : scholarship places in __ secondary shcools
1908 : Old age pensions (+70)
1909 : Labour exchange created
1911 : health & unemployment __ insurances
1922 : increase of unemployment
1926 : General Strike
1936 : Jarrow Crusade
1973 : Oil crisis
1973 : "Three day week"
1979 : Election of Margaret Thatcher

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Périodes de la frise

De 1485 à 1509 : increase of crown land income __ & customs receipts
De 1642 à 1649 : Civil War (tax & religion)
De 1652 à 1654 : Trade war with Dutch
De 1665 à 1667 : Trade war with Dutch
De 1672 à 1674 : Trade war with Dutch
De 1623 à 1632 : West Indies (Caribbean) __ settled in 1627
De 1690 à 1700 : Large commercial fleet __ (import-export)
De 1601 à 1858 : 4600 voyages
De 1740 à 1815 : Dominated by __ 4 different wars __ with France
De 1756 à 1763 : Seven years war
De 1776 à 1783 : American War of Independence
De 1793 à 1801 : French Revolution
De 1802 à 1815 : Napoleonic wars
De 1801 à 1851 : National income __ incresed threefold
De 1848 à 1856 : James Broun-Ramsey __ is Governor G of India
De 1873 à 1892 : The Great Depression
De 1880 à 1881 : Colonial War
De 1899 à 1902 : Colonial War
De 1901 à 1913 : The Arms Race
De 1890 à 1900 : Germany lauches __ plan to dvlp navy
De 1901 à 1910 : "Edwardian" age
De 1914 à 1918 : WW1
De 1978 à 1979 : "Winter of discontent"
De 1939 à 1945 : WW2

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Histoire Economique UKFrise chronologique - Description de ma frise 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 pop -> 2.5 million Henry Tudor crowned "Defender of the Faith" Hawkins & Drake Armada East India Company Navigation Act Louis XIV new enemy North American territorial claims circa cotton gin + growth of cotton trade network of 10,000km + 50% of world iron prod Liberal Party wins General Strike Oil crisis Excommunicated Drake -> ships and naval victory London Company (Virginia Colony) Fire of London Royal Navy defeated at Beachy Head Battle of Plassy Loss of colonies railway Liverpool -> Manchester Old age pensions (+70) Jarrow Crusade "Three day week" Pope refused divorce from Catherine de Aragon 1st voyage (James Lancaster) 15 'factories' along Indian coast Company took control of Bengal Lost monopoly of trade with India Plan to build Indian railway network scholarship places in secondary shcools Anne Boleyn queen Levant Company founded Factories across India Stamp Act Opium War Labour exchange created Election of Margaret Thatcher Act of Supremacy Levant Company founded Loss of Turkey Fleet Boston Tea Party 54% of pop is urban health & unemployment insurances England & Wales 4m pop Agriculture under pressure Trading economy diversity Bank of England + Creation of the National Debt The Great Exhibition increase of unemployment Jonathan's coffee house (1st Stock Exchange) British Empire -> 20% of world's land mass Trading post at Canton (China) mutiny of Indian troops -> abolished increase of crown land income & customs receipts Civil War (tax & religion) Trade war with Dutch Trade war with Dutch Trade war with Dutch West Indies (Caribbean) settled in 1627 Large commercial fleet (import-export) 4600 voyages Dominated by 4 different wars with France Seven years war American War of Independence French Revolution Napoleonic wars National income incresed threefold James Broun-Ramsey is Governor G of India The Great Depression Colonial War Colonial War The Arms Race Germany lauches plan to dvlp navy "Edwardian" age WW1 "Winter of discontent" WW2

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