Paramètres de la frise

Nom de la frise : Histoire Economique USA
Début : 1750
Fin : 2000
Description : Description de ma frise

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Evènements de la frise

1776 : 13 colonies became __ 13 states
1783 : USA doubled its size
1803 : USA doubled its size again
1803 : The Lousianna Prurchase
1820 : improvemt in transports
1840 : Steamboats on th Mississippi
1850 : USA acquired its __ continental size
1862 : Homestead Act
1848 : "Boys, by God, I believe __ I have found a gold mine" __ James Marshall
1861 : South's secession
1865 : Southern defeat
1863 : Emancipation Proclamation
1865 : Thirteenth Amendment
1868 : Fourteenth Amendment
1870 : Fifteenth Amendment
1876 : The barbed wire invented
1880 : Ranching from __ Texas to Canada
1890 : former slaves -> 25% of __ western cowhands
1862 : Pacific Railroad Act
1830 : 23 miles of railroad
1890 : 200,000 miles of railroads
1910 : 1/3 of all railroad track worldwide
1900 : United States Steel Corporation
1890 : The Sherman Antitrust Act
1879 : John D.Rockefeller created __ Standard Oil of New Jersey
1867 : Typewriters
1876 : 1st telephone
1920 : Nineteenth Amendment (women can vote)
1870 : people fled to urban areas
1882 : The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
1920 : highest standard of living
1929-10-24 : Black Thursday
1932 : 1/4 working pop unemployed
1932 : Franklin D.Roosevelt
1935 : Social Security Act
1930 : 50% black people unemployed
1960 : Golden era of American capitalism
1954 : Brown vs Board of Education
1955 : Montgomery bus boycott (Rosa Parks)
1963 : MLKing led the massive March in Washington
1963 : Kennedy assassinated
1957 : Fight for space began by Soviets
1961 : Alan Shepard 1st USA in space
1969 : Neil Armstrong 1st USA to walk on the moon
1972-06-17 : Watergate scandal
1974-08-08 : Nixon resignment
1964 : U of California, Berkeley against Vietnam war
1969 : Woodstock
1954 : Contraceptive pill was "discovered"
1964 : Civil Rights Act
1967 : NOW by Betty Friedan

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Périodes de la frise

De 1750 à 1776 : America was Anglo-Saxon
De 1829 à 1837 : Andrew Jackson
De 1862 à 1900 : gov awarded __ 80million acres to individuals __ 521million acres to railroads/ranchers/speculators
De 1861 à 1865 : Civil War
De 1876 à 1965 : "Jim Crow laws"
De 1865 à 1877 : "Reconstruction"
De 1980 à 1988 : Ronald Reagan
De 1877 à 1920 : Mechanization __ = __ Machine Age
De 1929 à 1940 : Crisis due to Black Thursday
De 1934 à 1936 : The Dust Bowl
De 1920 à 1930 : from 4 million of immigrants to 1/2 million
De 1961 à 1963 : John F.Kennedy
De 1963 à 1969 : Lyndon Johnson
De 1969 à 1974 : Richard Nixon

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Histoire Economique USAFrise chronologique - Description de ma frise 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 13 colonies became 13 states USA doubled its size again improvemt in transports Steamboats on th Mississippi South's secession The barbed wire invented 200,000 miles of railroads 1/3 of all railroad track worldwide Black Thursday Brown vs Board of Education Woodstock USA doubled its size The Lousianna Prurchase 23 miles of railroad Pacific Railroad Act 1st telephone The Sherman Antitrust Act Nineteenth Amendment (women can vote) Contraceptive pill was "discovered" Watergate scandal USA acquired its continental size John D.Rockefeller created Standard Oil of New Jersey "Boys, by God, I believe I have found a gold mine" James Marshall The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus United States Steel Corporation highest standard of living Social Security Act Montgomery bus boycott (Rosa Parks) Nixon resignment Homestead Act Ranching from Texas to Canada 50% black people unemployed Fight for space began by Soviets Emancipation Proclamation 1/4 working pop unemployed Golden era of American capitalism former slaves -> 25% of western cowhands Southern defeat Franklin D.Roosevelt Alan Shepard 1st USA in space Thirteenth Amendment MLKing led the massive March in Washington Typewriters Kennedy assassinated Fourteenth Amendment U of California, Berkeley against Vietnam war Fifteenth Amendment Civil Rights Act people fled to urban areas NOW by Betty Friedan Neil Armstrong 1st USA to walk on the moon Mechanization = Machine Age Crisis due to Black Thursday The Dust Bowl from 4 million of immigrants to 1/2 million John F.Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Richard Nixon America was Anglo-Saxon Andrew Jackson gov awarded 80million acres to individuals 521million acres to railroads/ranchers/speculators Civil War "Jim Crow laws" "Reconstruction" Ronald Reagan

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